Voluntary Credits and Deductions Program Guide

Suspended and Terminated Payees File

Voluntary Credits and Deductions Program Guide

NYSLRS may send a Suspended and Terminated Payees file to you after we have processed our monthly pension payroll. This outbound file includes retirees and beneficiaries that have recently become suspended or terminated payees and had a deduction setup with your organization. Please note that this file is only sent if there are payees that have recently become suspended or terminated.

This is a pipe-delimited Text file (*.txt) and has the following naming convention:


The first row of the Suspended and Terminated Payees File contains your first payee that has been suspended or terminated. There are no headers or footers.

Complete Example:

R12345678|123456789|John Doe|Suspended|Accumulate||027|100.00|Y


The table below provides details about the type of information the file contains:

  • Field Name: Denotes what information will be provided.
  • Is This Field Required?: Indicates when a field must have a valid entry in it.
    • Required: There will always be information populated in this field.
    • Optional: This field may be left blank if it is not applicable.
  • Field Values: Describes the various values that are allowed in this field.
  • Example: Provides an example of an allowable value that would be entered into the field.
  • Additional Details: Provides additional information for the corresponding field.
Field Name Is This Field Required? Field Values Example Additional Details
NYSLRS ID REQUIRED R######## R12345678 Unique identifier assigned to the payee by NYSLRS. NYSLRS ID is an alphanumeric character string that begins with an R and is followed by eight numbers.
Social Security Number REQUIRED ######### 123456789 The payee’s complete nine-digit Social Security number (without hyphens or spaces).
Name REQUIRED N/A John Doe The payee’s first and last name, in that order.
Status REQUIRED - Suspended

- Terminated
Suspended The payee's payment status.
Reason OPTIONAL Suspended Reasons:
- Accumulate
- Death Pending Confirmation
- <Blank>

Terminated Reasons:
- Death Confirmed
- End of Retirement Benefit
- Post-Retirement Employment Earnings Limit Reached
- Restoration
- <Blank>
Accumulate The reason for the payee's suspension/termination.
Date of Death OPTIONAL MM/DD/YYYY N/A The payee's date of death. Note: This will only be populated for a confirmed date of death.
Code Type REQUIRED - ###

- ####
027 The unique identifier assigned to each organization's deduction type(s). Code types vary by organization and are either three or four digits.

Please refer to the ‘Code Types’ that were sent to you separately.
Amount REQUIRED ########.## 100.00 The amount of the deduction.
Deduction Exists? REQUIRED - Y

- N
Y An indicator for whether the organization had set up a deduction for the payee.